Ways to Donate
RWF volunteer Amberjoy Leonard visiting children on a humanitarian aid trip.
Click here to donate by Credit Card
Checks - Make your check payable to "Rainbow World Fund" and mail it to:
Rainbow World Fund
4111 18th Street, Suite 5
San Francisco, CA 94114
Donate Stock - Send us an email through our contact us page to learn how to donate stock to Rainbow World Fund.
Donate an Airplane Ticket - Help us with our travel costs throughout the year. If you have saved up enough airline miles for a trip, please consider using those miles to help RWF purchase a ticket. Send us an email through our contact us page or call 415-431-1485 to learn how you can help.
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Rainbow World Fund - at no cost to you! Please bookmark this link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3372560 and support us every time you shop.
Sponsor a Day - Sponsor a day at your corporation on behalf of Rainbow World Fund. Does your company have sales days where a percentage of the profits are donated to a charity? Why not name RWF as the charity?
Donate by a Bequest - Another way to make a deferred gift to Rainbow World Fund is to include the Fund in your will or name the Fund as a beneficiary of a trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy. Send us an email through our contact us page if you have made or would like to make a bequest to the Fund.
Your gift to RWF can save a life.
$35,000 - Remove landmines near a Cambodian village
$10,000 - Provide safe water for a Honduran village.
$5,000 - Purchase the materials needed to establish 50 village latrines.
$2,400 - Set up a yearly stipend for a HIV/AIDS peer educator in South Africa.
$1,000 - Give save haven for an LGBTQ+ refugee from Syria or Iraq.
$500 - Purchase 22 cases of hospital surgical masks and gowns.
$150 - Make possible 1 month of meals for an African hospice patient.
$50 - Provide the material to connect a village household to it's water system.
$15 - Secure 1 case of hospital surgical gloves.
$5 - Enable 3 meals for an AIDS hospice patient.
Most of RWF's administrative and fundraising expenses are covered by Board of Director, corporate and foundation contributions.This allows your gift to have maximum positive impact helping those most in need. By utilizing our partners' established and effective service-delivery networks, we are able to quickly and efficiently deliver aid to the most remote regions in the world. If you specifically wish to contribute toward helping RWF run, please specify "operational costs" when you make a donation. We greatly appreciate anything you can contribute.
Your donations are 100% tax deductible, safe, secure and private. We do not share any donor information with any third party. Our mail and email lists are private. RWF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our EIN/Tax ID # is 94-3372560.
Our all volunteer staff carefully determines how your gift is distributed to each of our projects based on current need. By supporting our ongoing projects your donation joins with other donations to increase the impact we have. If you wish to designate your gift for (a) specific area(s), we will apply your gift to that (those) area(s). Simply note how you would like your donation applied in the memo section of your check, when donating online you will be ask this question. However, by giving an unrestricted donation you greatly enhance our ability to respond quickly to emergencies and allow RWF to keep running.